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Dromore Central Primary School, Dromore

Exploring our ‘Materials’ topic in Y1: Mrs Callaghan’s Class

11th Mar 2022

We have been thinking about Materials and their properties in Y1.
We had fun exploring wool; wood; glass; plastic and metal through our Play Based Learning. 

We enjoyed working in the textile ‘wool’ to create a wool wrapping and investigated the patterns found in wood through our wood rubbings.

We have been thinking about which materials are natural/ man made and describing how things made from different materials feel.

We sorted objects on the basis of the material they are made from and enjoyed construction challenges using different materials.

We had great fun exploring items made from different materials in our role play ‘Tinkering Workshop’.

We also investigated which materials float and sink in water and discovered that the shape of the object can affect whether it floats or sinks.