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Dromore Central Primary School, Dromore

Charity Presentation to Autism NI and Open Schools Worldwide

24th Nov 2016

In Dromore Central, each class has a Charity Box and we collect money each month which goes towards helping others.  This year we collected the terrific amount of £1024. 55.  P4 to P7 had a special Assembly on 23rd November when we presented cheques to the representatives of our two chosen charities for 2016. 

Rachel from Autism NI explained to us how £700 would go a long way to support the many local families who have a child with Autism. 

Maurice from Open Schools Worldwide explained how our money (£324.55) will provide special lap desks to help children in South Africa who can't afford to go to school and who are taught by local volunteers.

We are very pleased to be able to help others in very practical ways. Thank you all for your support.